Awards Banquet | IBA 2024 Reception & Dinner

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Wednesday, September 11
Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21

Countless journeys. One Canada.
The Canadian Museum of Immigration at Pier 21 shares the ongoing story of immigration to Canada from coast to coast to coast, past and present. For some of us, our ancestors paved the way. For others, a more recent voyage brought us here.
At the Museum, you will experience the moving journeys that many families took to start a new life in Canada. Step into the past and experience what it was like for nearly one million immigrants between 1928 and 1971 in the Pier 21 Story exhibition. Explore 400 years of immigration history and newcomer’s contributions and impressions in the Canadian Immigration Hall. Discover the family history of one in five Canadians, perhaps even yours, at Canada’s last standing ocean immigration terminal.